Wireless broadband

Canadian Telecom SummitThe 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit opens in just 2 weeks, on May 31 in Toronto. Wireless broadband and the 700 MHz spectrum auction are certain to figure prominently in the discussions at this year’s event.

Continuing with the theme of last week’s postings, I’ll focus on another of the panels at The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit, Wireless Broadband: Our insatiable thirst for spectrum.

The panel features

  • TeraGo President & CEO, Bryan Boyd
  • Sandvine President & CEO, Dave Caputo
  • Qualcomm VP Government Affairs, Dean Brenner
  • Rogers VP Regulatory, Dawn Hunt
  • Xplornet Chief Strategy Officer, Allison Lenehan

The panel will be moderated by Mark Lowenstein, who is the Managing Director of Mobile Ecosystem. It is a session that will cover a range of issues: fixed versus mobile; urban versus rural; managing traffic and expanding capacity. With participation from both sides of the border, we’ll be looking for broader perspectives on this important component of Canada’s national digital network connectivity.

The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit is May 31 to June 2 in Toronto. Have you registered yet?

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