LTE: The future of mobile

Canadian Telecom SummitThe future of mobile wireless is LTE and that will be the subject of a panel discussion at The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit, which gets started just 2 weeks from today, on May 31 in Toronto. The LTE panel will feature some of the world’s most important suppliers of the hardware and software technologies that power next generation wireless services.

A number of Canada’s wireless carriers are already engaged in trials of LTE and some have announced service could launch later this year. If these developments are of interest to you, you will be interested in attending the panel at The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit, LTE: The Future of Mobile, featuring

  • Nokia Siemens Networks Canada CTO & Head of Services, Petri Lyytikainen
  • Ericsson Canada CTO, Dragan Nerandzic
  • Huawei Wireless Global CTO, Wen Tong
  • Oracle Communications Director, Leonard Sheahan
  • Acision SVP, Mobile Broadband, Steven van Zanen

The May 31 morning panel will be moderated by Natasha Tamaskar from GENBAND. The panel will be able to explore the capabilities and requirements for the next phase of wireless evolution, helping to provide context for the Wireless Broadband session that was the subject of yesterday’s blog posting.

The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit is May 31 to June 2 in Toronto. It is only two weeks away. Have you registered yet?

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