Compete or collaborate

Canadian Telecom SummitContinuing the discussion of the various panels at The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit, I want to look at the session being moderated by Evan Kelly, PwC’s National Communications Practice Leader, who has been a great supporter of our event and with whom I have had the pleasure to collaborate on a few projects through the years. The Evolution of Consumer Communications: Compete or Collaborate panel will explore the evolving world of applications, content and services and how traditional business models are changing. It will be an interesting panel, with some interesting and diverse views of where the future may be heading for consumer services business models.

The panel features

  • Lori Bieda from SAS
  • Paul Brannen from Samsung
  • Vikas Gupta from TransGaming
  • Caleb Rubin from Rogers

The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit is May 31 to June 2 in Toronto. It is less than two weeks away. Have you registered yet?

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