Privacy and security

Canadian Telecom SummitYesterday, the White House announced its proposal to enhance cybersecurity for the United States, including new rules for disclosure of breeches of personal information security by companies. What are the implications for Canadians and Canadian companies operating in the US? How do Canadian rules and practices measure up? The answers will be explored by the Privacy and Security panel at The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit, which opens on May 31 in Toronto.

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Privacy and Security: Guarding Information in a Transparent World will look at these issues with a diverse range of speakers who can share deep expertise in these issues.

The panel features

  • Canada’s Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart
  • HP – Arcsight CTO (and former National Security Agency CIO/CTO) Dr. Prescott Winter
  • Paypal Canada GM Darrell MacMullin
  • Rogers VP for Enterprise Risk Management Don Huff

The panel will be moderated by David Craig, who leads the National Information Security Practice at PwC. It is a session that shouldn’t be missed.

The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit is May 31 to June 2 in Toronto. Have you registered yet?

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