Keeping numbers under wraps

In an unusual display of unanimity, cable companies and telcos alike asked the CRTC not to publish aggregated market forecast data. The CRTC is gathering the company specific data as part of the information for its fresh look at the Local Forbearance Decision.

The arguments put forward by the carriers are varied, but include our concerns that the CRTC failed to ask a bunch of service providers for their information and many who were asked haven’t bothered responding. Other concerns include data inconsistencies (some carriers have December 31 year ends, others use August 31; some carriers refuse to submit forecasts beyond those years approved by their boards), securities disclosure concerns, ability for the public to derive company specific information, etc.

Beyond voyeuristic pleasure, each carrier challenged whether a purpose is being served by disclosing the information. The CRTC should let carriers keep their private information private.

For aggregate market information, people know to call my partner in The Canadian Telecom Summit: Michael Sone. Happy Birthday, Michael!

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