The network management consultation

CRTCAs I mentioned earlier in the week, the CRTC opened up an on-line public consultation for its proceeding on Tuesday to enable citizen participation in the proceeding that is examining internet Network Management by Canada’s ISPs.

The comments are open for viewing, rating and reply and people should get involved to bring forward a diversity of viewpoints that are reflective of all sides of the discussion.

Independent ISPs have approached the consultation through their corporate regulatory groups and their industry association and by adding comments on the public consultation website. For example, consider the comment that starts with:

First off, I *am* an ISP. I’ve been in the business since 1996 – as such, my company was one of the pioneers of the internet in Canada. We’ve been doing this since well before the Cablecos, and Bell.

The consultation is open until the end of April. Get involved.

The 2009 Canadian Telecom Summit includes an in-depth look at many of these issues, with our net neutrality panel and our regulatory blockbuster. Have you registered yet?

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