Want a say on Net Neutrality?

The CRTC has opened up an on-line public consultation for its proceeding that is examining internet Network Management by Canada’s ISPs.

The e-consultation is open until April 30 and can be found at this website, which contains a welcome message from Namir Anani, the CRTC’s executive director for policy development and research.

The public is invited to discuss various topics and questions related to Internet traffic management practices, including:

  • the impact of these practices on the user experience and on innovation
  • the different approaches to Internet traffic management
  • the role of the CRTC in relation to Internet traffic management practices, and
  • the disclosure of Internet traffic management practices by ISPs.

A transcript of the discussion and threads will become part of the public record for the proceeding, which has oral hearings in early July.

The 2009 Canadian Telecom Summit includes an in-depth look at many of these issues, with our net neutrality panel featuring Mike Lee of Rogers, Chris Libertelli of Skype and Dave Caputo from Sandvine.

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1 thought on “Want a say on Net Neutrality?”

  1. So, the public record is… the internet? Are they actually going to do anything with the comments, discussions, opinions and facts presented, or just… host them on the internet?

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