Breaking speed limits

Just days after Bell Aliant announced fibre to the home in the two largest communities in New Brunswick, Rogers released word of two innovations for its customers.

First, Rogers is launching an N-series wireless router, integrated into its new DOCSIS 3.0 modems. It becomes the first company in North America to offer this device.

Secondly, Rogers announced that beginning next month, it will be offering a 50Mbps service, initially in the greater Toronto area, but getting rolled out further.

With Canada’s three major cable companies offering speeds of 50Mbps and more, the pressure is on the telephone companies to respond.

1 thought on “Breaking speed limits”

  1. Docsis 3.0 (4channel) supports a theoretical upload of 123Mbit/s. Rogers is only rolling out a fraction of the available downstream (50 of a potential 171), and haven't said anything about there upstream.

    I sincerely hope they at least get us to 10Mbit/s up. For a carrier that is as progressive as they claim to be, it would be nice to be on par with 100's of supposedly poorer countries where 100Mb asynchronous is the norm and costs about 40$ a month.

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