Net neutrality kills investment

National PostNet neutrality can kill investment in broadband, according to a must-read commentary by Financial Post editor Terence Corcoran.

He says that what we need is more investment in broadband, not more rules that inhibit capital spending.

The CRTC got this right the first time. Moving now to force Bell and the other firms to shape their businesses to meet the demands of people who want a piece of the action or who have fantasy views of the Internet as a public utility can only divert industry attention and resources away from market solutions and efficient development of new broadband services to reduce congestion.

He uses a swimming pool metaphor, perhaps in hopes of more summer-like weather.

Read the full column.

1 thought on “Net neutrality kills investment”

  1. not sure what you saw of value in the corocran article, mark.

    comments were enlightening though. clear, cogent. informative and persuasive. unlike the article itself.

    i guess that's the value of a large swimming pool, or a swimming pool of any sort. you can dive down below the surface, away from the yammering of the big fat-mouthed kids, and find infinite numbers of valuable rings and interesting pucks.

    i could go on, but i won't.

    but please do not be afraid to call if you find yourself drowning in broadband. we'll toss you a ring, one that floats, honest.

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