Telecom policy direction

MTS AllstreamTomorrow is the deadline for comments to be submitted in response to Minister Maxime Bernier’s policy direction to the CRTC, that was issued at The Canadian Telecom Summit in June.

Allstream has released its comments and plans to have a conference call on Monday to discuss its views. I’ll comment at that time. Among the questions I have are looking for support of the following paragraph from their press release:

In its submission, MTS Allstream notes that the very specific and prescriptive language of the Wholesale Directive is at odds with the broadly-based public policy goals expressed elsewhere in the Order. Of greater concern, the Wholesale Directive appears to ignore the significant market power Canada’s largest former monopolies continue to wield, and would embrace a failed US model of deregulation that has resulted in decreased competition, reduced network investment and innovation and higher prices for American consumers and businesses.

Hmmm. I think some of us would argue that Verizon’s $20B fibre-to-the-home plan is an example of some pretty substantial ILEC investment, not to mention competition from cable companies and others for consumers.

Stay tuned for more on Allstream’s submission and others.

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