Having fun

I recall that Dave Hagan, when he headed up residential services at Sprint Canada, used to say that he had so much fun doing his job that it’s not right to call it work. He’s now at Boingo, and I hope he is still having that kind of good time.

When we were together at Sprint Canada, he invited me to spend an hour on the phones in the customer service centre, back when I was heading up the network services group. I realized then how tough it is for those customer service reps to try to exude a smile through a telephone line, no matter how aggravated the customer may be.

I just got off the phone with the Virgin Mobile call centre in Moncton and those people love their jobs. They must take some kind of happy pills. As the woman who helped me said, “hey, we work for Richard Branson – doesn’t that say it all!”

That smile coming through the the telephone receiver is part of their competitive edge.

Keep smiling!

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