How good is good enough?

Alec Saunders asks “How many nines, RIM” in respect of RIM’s network outage on Friday.

Email messages to my Blackberry were off the air for about 3 hours, and it took another 16 hours for the backlog to catch up: first in, last out apparently.

It helps raise the question of “What is a reasonable service to expect from our IP applications?” Alec asks “Should we have the same expectations for reliability from the BlackBerry service as phone service?”

Let me extend that question: should we have the same expectations for reliability for new voice applications as we did for traditional phone service? Didn’t early generation cell phone service help condition us for less than pin-drop crystal clear connections? [remember those ads?]

Admit it. Haven’t you ever hung up on someone and blamed it on the network? “Sorry, must have been a bad cell hand-off.”

Are we being demanding enough or expecting too much?

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