Are payphones too expensive?

PIACIs 50 cents too much to pay for a local phone call?

Last week, Industry Canada published details about the cabinet appeals of the CRTC’s price cap decision (Decision 2007-27), focusing on pay phone rates doubling to 50 cents.

PIAC‘s appeal has been supported by Louise Thibault, the independent MP for Rimouski, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and Union des consommateurs.

The appeal acknowledges the CRTC’s original rationale:

The Commission recognizes that pay telephone rates have not increased for most ILECs for almost 25 years. The Commission considers reasonable the position of the Companies that the costs of providing pay telephone services have increased since the last increase in rates in 1981

PIAC is concerned about the social aspects surrounding continued pay phone availability and affordability for low income Canadians and those who do not have subscriptions to wireline or wireless phones.

PIAC has asked cabinet to refer just the portion of the Decision dealing with pay telephone rates back to the CRTC for reconsideration.

Comments on the appeals need to be filed this month.

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