Best wishes Willie!

The Alberta Government has named Willie Grieve to be the inaugural chair of the Alberta Utilities Commission, effective February 1, 2008.

The AUC is responsible for the distribution and sale of electricity and natural gas in Alberta. The commission will also be responsible for applications regarding new or upgraded electricity transmission lines.

I first met Willie nearly 17 years ago when he was representing the Government of Saskatchewan and I was working for Unitel. For the past 15 years, Willie has been with TELUS. Our paths have crossed continuously – sometimes agreeing and periodically on opposite sides of various issues. But always amicable and respectful.

Most importantly, I recall teaching him how to discretely wave to our kids during CRTC hearings televised on CPAC [Hint: Watch for lawyers and witnesses adjusting the frames of their glasses].

I was surprised by the announcement that Willie is leaving telecom to go for a government job. I thought Willie’s next job would have been playing jazz trumpet.

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