Streamlining regulation

CRTCThe CRTC has issued a public notice (PN) that proposes eliminating tariff filings for promotional offerings from incumbent telcos.

The PN talks about the CRTC having received and reviewed a large number of applications proposing promotions, approving most of them within 10 days.

As a result, the Commission is asking for comments on:

… forbearing in whole or in part, either conditionally or unconditionally, from the regulation of promotions for residential and business local wireline services.

… criteria that the Commission could use to establish which service offerings would be considered legitimate promotional service offerings, and therefore, forborne from regulation.

… Given that legitimate promotional service offerings are limited in duration, what duration should be considered appropriate? …

Under what circumstances should a new promotion be considered a continuation of a previous promotion, for example, due to such factors as 1) a very short interval of time between the same offering, and 2) minor variations between offerings?

Ultimately, the objective seems to be streamlining regulatory processes. It is yet another step in the process of letting more normalized market forces govern the telecom market.

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