Social symmetry action plan

CRTCIn the Policy Direction issued to the CRTC in December 2006, the Commission was told that when regulating on a non-economic basis, to the greatest extent possible to use measures that are symmetric and competitively neutral.

Last July, the CRTC set out an action plan to comply with the Policy Direction. At that time, the Commission said that certain social regulatory measures, such as privacy safeguards, quality of service standards and rebates plan and a Consumer Bill of Rights would be prioritized following the establishment of the telecommunications consumer agency.

Well, the CCTS now exists and that means it is show-time for the CRTC to review its social and other non-economic regulatory measures for compliance with the Policy Direction.

Public Notice 2008-1 sets out the timetable for this review, with paper being exchanged through the month of February and an action plan to be developed and issued by the CRTC before the end of April. The objective of the exercise seems to be to determine which measures will be reviewed in 2008/2009 versus getting pushed out by a year to 2009/2010.

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