28 days

It will all be over in 28 days.

Earlier this week, you likely received an email from us with an update on our programme. We have been working to ensure that The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit is topical, assembling an agenda featuring 70 speakers who will cover the issues of greatest concern to stakeholders in Canada’s communications sector.

We think we have succeeded.

Yesterday, there was coverage of the Privacy Commissioner’s statements on information leaks. Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart will be at The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit, speaking on a panel on June 1 that will be looking at Privacy and Security: Guarding Information in a Transparent World.

The CRTC has released a number of important decisions already this week and it has more expected before the end of the month. In June and July, there will be hearings to examine the increased level of vertical integration (convergence) of carriers and broadcasters, as well as the review of high speed wholesale access, including the impact of usage based billing on alternate ISPs. In between, The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit will host its annual Regulatory Blockbuster, featuring 6 of the leading regulatory chiefs from all sectors, including the consumer groups. That panel comes immediately after what we are calling a “fireside chat” with CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein.

Attracting the senior-most professionals from around the globe, that The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit is the forum for the broad cross-section of stakeholders to meet, exchange views, share ideas, challenge assumptions and plan for the future.

2011 CTS Sponsors

Panel discussions at The Canadian Telecom Summit explore cloud computing, the future of wireless, universal broadband and unified communications. We have a session looking at tablets, TVs and smartphones: the explosion of the multi-screen universe. Another session looking at competitive versus collaborative dynamics in the consumer marketplace. 17 keynote addresses, from leaders of all of the major carriers and the companies that power their networks and services.

No other industry event brings together all of the leaders; no other industry event covers so many issues; no other industry event provides such an opportunity to explore so many issues associated with creating our digital future.

You can download a complete conference brochure here. I look forward to seeing you there.

2 thoughts on “28 days”

  1. Pingback: 28 days • Telecom Trends | Telecom Carriers

  2. Pingback: 28 days • Telecom Trends | Telecom Operator News

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