Counting down

Last week, unless you are already registered at The Canadian Telecom Summit, you likely received an email from us to remind you that Canada’s premiere communications industry event is just 6 weeks away. Attracting the senior-most professionals from around the globe, The Canadian Telecom Summit is the forum for the broad cross-section of stakeholders to meet, exchange views, share ideas, challenge assumptions and plan for the future.

2011 CTS Sponsors

Our regulatory blockbuster panel features 6 of Canada’s top telecommunications regulatory policy experts debating issues of concern, moderated by Greg O’Brien (editor of We have expanded this session to 90 minutes, given the level of attention in the public eye on issues such as retail and wholesale internet pricing models, symmetric regulation of video programming, spectrum auction policy, vertical integration and convergence. Just before that panel on Wednesday June 1, we will again have an open conversation with CRTC chair Konrad von Finckenstein.

The Canadian Telecom Summit has 17 keynote addresses, from leaders of all of the major carriers and the companies that power their networks and services. Panel discussions will explore cloud computing, the future of wireless, universal broadband, unified communications, the multi-screen universe, competitive dynamics and more.

No other event brings together all of the industry leaders; no other industry event covers so many issues; no other industry event provides such an opportunity for those with vested interests in the Information and Communications Technology sector to explore so many issues associated with creating value for all stakeholders.

The price of registration for The Canadian Telecom Summit goes up on May 1. Register now to save more than $250.

You can download a complete conference brochure here. I look forward to seeing you there.

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  2. Pingback: Counting down • Telecom Trends | Telecom Carriers

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