US versus Canadian mobile

I now have student mobile plans in Montreal and Los Angeles. Not theoretical analyst studies – real life accounts with bills being paid with real money.

I am not seeing spectacular bargains in the home of the brave and it certainly isn’t the land of the free!

Our Montreal student enjoys a plan that provides 200 peak minutes with unlimited evenings and weekends. Evenings start at 6pm. We have a message pack as well. All this, including system access fees, 911 fees, and all that jazz for the low, low monthly price of $30.

In LA, our student has 450 daytime minutes and virtually unlimited (5000 minutes) nights and weekends, but nights begin at 9pm. All the minutes are US nationwide. He gets 200 text messages, but the number applies to sending and receiving, not just outbound. He is paying $38 (thanks to a special 15% affinity discount associated with his university).

Where are the great deals south of the border?

The is some kvetching about wireless contracts [read the comments] at Michael Geist’s blog and at Wireless North. There are already lots of choices in the marketplace with and without contracts; with and without extra fees. More choice is on its way with a number of new entrants.

Is regulation of a competitive market really an appropriate solution?

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