Summit highlights on demand

CPAC logoCPAC has added 2 more segments from The 2010 Canadian Telecom Summit to its video on demand database.

You can now watch The Regulatory Blockbuster, recorded on the morning of June 8, 2010 and the Building Digital Canada panel from the end of the day on June 8.

These complement the interview with CRTC Chairman Konrad von Finckenstein that has been available for a while now.

We would appreciate your feedback on the value of these sessions being available in the CPAC archives.

4 thoughts on “Summit highlights on demand”

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  2. Mark,

    I just finished watching the Regulatory Blockbuster on the CPAC website. To answer your question, yes, I really appreciated the opportunity to watch this panel discussion online. As someone who lives/work in the Caribbean, and with a limited budget to attend off-island conferences , it was great to be able to watch it online.

    I realize that there is an element of “free riding” in me watching this video online. I wish I could have attended in person – I will do my best to attend CTS 2011. I will also make a point of clocking on your online ads!

    The quality of the video was great, despite the fact that the bandwidth here in the Cayman Islands is relatively low by Canadian standards (4 Mb/s down, 0.5 Mb/s up). Also, I think Greg did a great job as moderator.

    David Laliberte
    General Counsel
    Cayman Islands

  3. Mark:

    Caught the Regulatory Blockbuster during the wee small hours of this morning while I was channel surfing for something to watch that would put me to sleep. Unfortunately for my sleep needs, the Blockbuster had the opposite effect. I watched it right to the very end!

    Having been at this year’s Summit, it was great to be able to see it again not only to see what I recalled but also to see and hear some of the interaction that I had either missed or did not catch while in the audience.

    I think this is a great idea and would be of great value to students and observers of telecom policy and regulation specifically and the push and pull of government policy development generally.

    By the way, I did eventually get back to sleep but woke up several hours after I had planned!!

  4. Pingback: Summit highlights on demand • Telecom Trends | Telecom Regulation

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