Getting on with it

On Monday, I wrote of Cybersurf signing a letter of intent to sell its business, and ranting about delays by the CRTC in resolving regulatory complaint issues.

Well, yesterday the CRTC ruled in favour of Cybersurf’s application that I described in mid-January. At the time, I suggested

Patience Cybersurf. If you try sometime, well you just might find, you get what you need.

Sure enough, the CRTC found in favour of Cybersurf and it told Bell and TELUS to get on with filing their tariffs in 10 days. Based on Cybersurf’s announcement earlier this week, the Decision may be too late to help them, but the Decision, an affirmation of the CRTC’s original decision, should provide a stimulus for DSL resellers to accelerate their business plans through enhanced offerings.

Will smaller ISPs step up and increase their presence in the consumer market?

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