Scam the DNCL scammers

Anyone else get extra telemarketing calls on the Canada Day holiday – from companies that probably knew more people would be at home?

Here is an idea to help stop unwanted calls from duct cleaners who are ignoring the do not call list.

Just say “yes” to the call centre. Don’t provide any payment info. Schedule an appointment.

Have the crew show up and then turn them away at the door. After all, you couldn’t have booked an appointment, because they couldn’t have called you in the first place.

Increase their cost of doing business and maybe then they will get the message.

Update [July 3, 12:30 pm]
One of my legal advisors cautions against today’s suggestions. As satisfying as this may seem, he warns that lawn care companies may do the service first and then hassle you for the rest of your life trying to collect. Others may hit you for a service call and again create a collection nightmare.

So, please be careful. Consider this to be the fine print warning on the ad.

1 thought on “Scam the DNCL scammers”

  1. Though this idea sounds fine one must beware of those who buy. I clearly articulate what not to do. I have been scammed a few years past, but now see the light. There is a book now out that can be viewed and purchased on called 'Scammers Among Us Beware' check it out this guide just may save you your bank account as well as show you how to thwart those parasites.Be warned, be armed, and be ready! Thank you. Leon Carey,

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