
Given the choice, as an alternative to calling a carrier for customer support, I would rather undergo root canal treatment performed by a carpenter with a rusty icepick. Insert the name of whatever carrier you want. It dosn’t seem to matter which one of my service providers I happen to call.

I just hate calling 611.

Monday, one of my mobile lines indicated that I had a voice message – but after logging in, the system gave a strange message “Your message is not available at this time; please call back later.” Thus started a 20 hour search for the missing message – a search that needed more than 10 calls into 611.

That’s 10 attempts to get to the right technical support person; 10 times I had to listen to a cheery computer-generated voice take me slowly through an annoying speech recognition menu; 10 times I kept thinking that if my call really was important to them, they wouldn’t have a computer answer the phone.

I hate music-on-hold that sounds like the tuner is just slightly off the station. You keep wanting to reach through the phone to adjust it ever so slightly.

I hate waiting with off-tune music for 10 minutes in a queue, only to have the ring tone at the end suddenly with a fast busy.

I really, really, just hate calling 611.

I know that most of my readers work for communications companies. Let me ask you – do you call the regular customer service numbers for help? Or do you get your assistant to call on your behalf? Even worse, do you have a special employee or executive help desk to bypass the artificial attendent.

If you aren’t being treated like a normal customer, you should change the way you handle employees and executives immediately. You need to see what you are doing to your customers.

Do it now, before you have lousy customer service destroy your brand.

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