Will more commercials increase viewership?

In 2004, the CRTC created financial incentives for broadcasters to increase the amount of English language Canadian drama. Those rules permit a broadcaster to go from 12 minutes of commercial time and add up to another 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

Will more commercials get people to watch more Canadian drama? CBC thinks so. It has applied for an amendment to its license conditions to be able to take advantage of these rules.

With product placement and embedding promotional consideration right into story lines, like we saw in the opening episode of 30 Rock, should the CBC and CRTC be looking at other incentives? When more than 30% of a program hour is commercial time, aren’t we concerned that a lot of channel surfers are going to use the break to find something else to watch.

1 thought on “Will more commercials increase viewership?”

  1. i find the commercials are getting out of control, seems like every four minutes or so they are doing another commercial break ..meanwhile there is lots of content on youtube commercial free ..and dvds you can get from the library for free…time to cut back on cable

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