Anyone want to start a new wireless carrier?

At long last, Industry Canada has launched the consultation process for the advanced wireless spectrum auction.

Interesting issues – we raised some of them last fall. Some argue that we need more competition in the wireless sector. Yet the Competition Bureau, part of Industry Canada, authorized Rogers’ acquisition of Microcell. Industry Minister Bernier has sent a policy direction to the CRTC to rely on market forces and use light touch regulation. We’ll see how these conflicting messages get reconciled over the course of the consultation period.

Comments are due May 25. Reply comments on June 27. This should certainly generate some interesting discussion and posturing during the Regulatory Blockbuster on Wednesday June 13 at The 2007 Canadian Telecom Summit.

Update: [February 16, 9:15 pm]
See Bloomberg news story.

Update: [February 19, 8:30 pm]
See news story.

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