Look out for Look

There is a serious billing dispute in front of the CRTC right now, the likes of which some of us haven’t seen in more than a decade.

Look Communications has asked the CRTC to help stave off a disconnection by Bell Canada for non-payment of approximately $13M. The original disconnection notice was scheduled to take effect today (May 10).

The CRTC agreed to an expedited review process and final arguments were to have been submitted on Tuesday of this week.

It is somewhat voyeuristic to read through the materials filed by the two companies. Look provided transcripts of voice messages and emails from Bell personnel that acknowledge amounts that are in dispute. Bell’s response says that the disputed amounts are trivial compared to the massive outstanding balance.

While Look claimed that Bell was conferring an undue preference (contrary to Section 27(2) of the Telecom Act) by threatening disconnection, Bell replied

Contrary to Look’s contentions in this proceeding, it is not the suspension or termination of service to this customer that would be contrary to section 27(2) of the Act but potentially, instead, the continued delivery of services to Look on the terms set out by this Customer.

We’ll be looking for a determination on this file in the next few days. Watch this article for an update.

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