Watching Videotron

VideotronI have to admit that I like watching Videotron in action. Robert Depatie has a refreshing enthusiasm that he brought as an outsider – you could say he has a nutty background – Planters Peanuts to be specific.

Each quarter, Videotron continues to post great results.

During the 12-month period ended March 31, 2007, we recorded the highest overall growth rate of all cable companies in Canada, with increases of 63,000 customers for our cable television service, 141,000 customers for illico Digital TV, 146,000 customers for our cable Internet access services, 222,000 customers for cable telephone service, and 20,000 lines for our new wireless telephone service, launched nine months ago

Videotron added 8,000 wireless lines in the past 3 months and that is operating as a reseller in Quebec alone. Contrast those numbers with Bell adding just 13,000 nationwide.

Videotron’s bundles have the effect of growing the market for TV – I have noted before that Quebec traditionally had the lowest penetration of cable services – the bundled offerings thereby improve the capital efficiency of plant in the ground with more customers generating more revenue associated with already deployed cable.

The cable and telecom industry should listen when Videotron speaks at The 2007 Canadian Telecom Summit next month.

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