Light Reading on me-too TV

Light ReadingLight Reading had a story last week called “How will telcos avoid me-too TV”, that seems to agree with statements that I have made about the need for telephone companies to differentiate their IP-TV products from cable TV offerings.

For example, last October, I asked “Will telcos use such disruptive approaches to video, or choose to do battle on the cable companies’ home turf with broadcast TV?”

Last August, I suggested that telcos might try a disruptive approach:

There is another way. Change the rules of the game. Think of Captain Kirk in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Faced with an no-win scenario in the Star Fleet academy, then cadet James Kirk found a way around the test by reprogramming the simulation, thus changing the conditions of the contest. In doing so, Kirk defeated the Kobayashi Maru scenario, and went on to fame as a Starfleet captain.

We will be looking at IP-TV during a special break-out session on Monday June 11 at The 2007 Canadian Telecom Summit. I wonder if any of the panelists will refer to Captain Kirk.

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