AWS Comments are posted

Maxime BernierIndustry Canada’s elves have been working through the weekend to try to keep their website current with comments filed in respect of the Consultation on a Framework to Auction Spectrum in the 2 GHz Range including Advanced Wireless Services.

Catchy title, don’t you think? The acronym doesn’t seem to be any better. Time for a contest, I think. Best name or acronym submitted for this official Industry Canada consultation. Get your letters and comments in today!

Not all the submissions are up on the Industry Canada website yet, but I would expect the rest on Monday. I will be continuing my reading and you can expect comments over the coming weeks. Notably absent from the weekend’s postings were submissions by Bell, TELUS, Rogers, MTS Allstream and Quebecor/Videotron.

Industry Minister Maxime Bernier is scheduled to deliver the closing remarks at The 2007 Canadian Telecom Summit on the afternoon of June 13. Earlier that afternoon, there will be a panel discussion on the state of competition in wireless services and an address by Sheridan Scott, head of the Competition Bureau.

With reply comments on the AWS consultation due to Industry Canada a few weeks later, spectrum should be one of the many points to be discussed this year at The Canadian Telecom Summit. Seats are almost sold-out. Book this week in order to avoid being disappointed.

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