Ease the pain

CRTCIn near record time, the Commission has issued the first of its decisions on the treatment of competitor quality of service (CQOS) when circumstances beyond the control of an ILEC might have caused it to fail to meet the performance standards.

As important as the decision itself is the speed by which the CRTC dealt with this matter. The CRTC issued a public notice on April 13 and it set a target to deliver a decision in 60 days. The PN called for comments within 2 weeks. Reply was due a week later. Yesterday’s decision meant the CRTC delivered on its aggressive timetable.

The CRTC is moving quickly on the directions from Cabinet to open up local telecom markets to less regulatory intervention. It is one of the areas we will hear about during the regulatory blockbuster – Wednesday at The Canadian Telecom Summit.

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