Opening day report from The Canadian Telecom Summit

Wow – way busier than I expected to be yesterday at The Canadian Telecom Summit.

Think of it as trying to organize a wedding for 550 guests, with 70 brides and grooms. And the wedding lasts for 3 days.

Sorry that I wasn’t able to get around to updating the blog yesterday.

We had great opening day coverage in the National Post, referring to our event as the Super Bowl of the telecom industry. The Post has a special 10 page Telecom Summit supplement in today’s paper.

As the Super Bowl of telecom, it was especially fitting to have John Tory, Ontario PC leader and former Rogers executive – and former CFL commissioner – as our luncheon speaker.

Other highlights through the day included the video lead-in to the keynote address by Michael Moskowitz from Palm. Interesting trivia – like the percentage of people who have interrupted sex to take a mobile phone call and the percentage of people who have interrupted a phone call to have sex.

No wonder people in the market research business like their jobs!

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