The corner record store

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my attraction to XM Radio’s Channel 27, The Bridge. I wrote the piece to talk about micro-market programming that is enabled by digital broadcasting and some of the benefits of push versus pull content delivery in exploring the unknown.

Sure, I could load up an iPod and play my tunes, but I don’t own everything from that period – every so often, there is a cut inserted that reminds me of a missed purchase from 30 years ago.

Enter Panel.

Panel is a new iPhone / iPod app that provides recommendations from a Panel of music industry experts, in the same way that corner record store owners, DJs and music writers were once the “go-to” source for new and undiscovered music.

The Panel app streams two full albums per week in various categories (rock, pop, indie, alternative, jazz, etc) chosen by the week’s “Panelist.”

It is another interesting approach to micro-programming. Comments?

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