Killing off junk voice mail

CRTCOne of the lesser reported aspects of this week’s Do Not Call List (DNCL) Decision from the CRTC is the application of the rules to voice mail marketing.

Hopefully, this will spell the end of junk voice mail.

The CRTC rejected a proposal to ban voice mail marketing altogether and also rejected a broad ban on depositing messages on cellular voice mail (which may have been an administrative nightmare now that portability is in place). Instead, customers registering on the database will be sufficient to end the scourge.

I don’t mind getting live calls about duct cleaning, lawn care or window replacement offers. I can get rid of those calls pretty quickly when I am not in the market. But, I have no use for Boris the mover, prizes of Collingwood vacations, or other people that activate my message waiting indicator.

Enforcement of junk voice mail violations (as with junk faxes) should be simple: the evidence will be recorded. At $15,000 per message, offending companies won’t be around very long.

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