When competition is not being served

Alec Saunders keeps the dialog open with a posting that expands on my Picking Winners post from earlier this week. In “Driving on the right-hand side in a left-hand wireless world,” Alec concludes with:

Consumers are best served when commodities are delivered in standard ways. And because monopolies tend to act in the best interests of shareholders rather than consumers I would argue, in disagreement with my friend Mark, that when the market reaches a point where competition is not being served, standards should be dictated.

I think we can agree on that point. When competition is not being served, standards should be dictated and government intervention is warranted.

Our discord may be over that point where competition is not being served. That is where competition law can provide such guidance.

I’ll be addressing the issue of Open Access, raised by Alec a few weeks ago, in my Monday morning posting.

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