Will Adblock drive new web business models?

FirefoxA plug-in for Firefox has been driving Mark Evans to write a couple rants in the past few weeks.

Mark calls the technology evil.

Adblock Plus enables Firefox users to surf the web without advertising. As Nick Carr writes:

Imagine that somebody has been yelling into your ear for so long that it’s come to seem normal. Now imagine that the person suddenly shuts up. That’s the effect of ad-blocking. It’s like going back to the feel of the web in the early 90s, before it was strip-malled.

But Mark Evans is with a company that produces and syndicates blogs. His firm has a business model that is dependent on an advertising model. Perhaps Web 2.0 business models will need to evolve.

Ironic, isn’t it?

Update [September 12, 11:00 am]
I had not realized that Mark is no longer with B5media and is now working at a new travel guide technology start-up, planeteye.com. Thanks Peter for the heads-up.

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