Telecom day at the Post

Today must be National Post Telecom Day. The entire commentary page of the Financial Post (FP19 for the edition I receive) is dedicated to telecommunications issues.

Hal Singer writes about the chill on investment that could be caused by net neutrality in a piece called Not Neutrality.

Terence Corcoran calls on Ottawa to stay the course for increasing the pace of telecom reform in his editorial Backbone Needed.

And yours truly writes about the need for Industry Canada to resist the temptation to meddle with market forces in the upcoming wireless spectrum auction in my piece Hang up on call for cell phone subsidies. The themes are consistent with material you have read on this blog. As a consumer, I would like wireless rates to fall even more — I really do like free. But, as a taxpayer, I question the government artificially stimulating an additional competitor.

Update [September 28, 10:00 am]
You can access a pdf version of the OpEd here.

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