Installing my Yoggie

Last July, I wrote about a USB-key hardware firewall / virus protection that I was introduced to by my friend Jeff at Gentek, around the corner from me in Concord, Ontario.

It took me a couple months to get a chance to try it, but I have finally installed it on one of the computers that powers MHG&A;.

Talk about ease of installation! Plug in the USB Yoggie, slip in the CD and minutes later, your PC has hardware protection.

My computer is running noticeably faster; the previous software-based protection tools were having me look at new equipment.

The pro version is designed for easy and remote administration by corporate IT departments. Unplug it, and the computer is locked down from network access.

It makes me wonder if there is a market for this device for parents looking to help manage their kids network access. Issues to be discussed with Jeff and Yoggie over the coming months.

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