Oops, wrong number!

StaplesI opened an email from Staples offering me a great deal on copier paper and a few coupons for office supplies.

But there was an error in the phone number listed in the email. Instead of reaching the order department, I found myself being called a hot, sexy guy. I have been called a lot of things, but hot and sexy aren’t usually the adjectives. It was a different kind of order desk from what I expected.

This incident serves as a good reminder to all of us. When you send a message to a million of your closest friends, make sure you proofread it carefully.

I wonder if they will issue a correction. Or if the other people will accept Staples’ coupons?

Update [October 4, 3:30 pm]
Staples has corrected the phone number on the link I provided. I don’t think the phone sex line deserves free publicity from me, so I won’t bother letting you know what the original number was. But it was nice to have someone call me hot and sexy. Even if it was a wrong number.

Update [October 16, 6:20 am]
Today’s Globe and Mail includes a little write-up on this incident in Patricia Best’s column “Nobody’s Business.”

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