Initial line up of speakers for The 2008 Canadian Telecom Summit

Canadian Telecom SummitIt is that time of year again.

If you are a regular reader on the web version of this blog, you have probably already noticed the banner ads telling you to hold the dates: June 16-18, 2008 for The 2008 Canadian Telecom Summit in Toronto.

We are once again preparing the preeminent forum for leaders of the global telecom industry to meet, exchange views, share ideas and plan for the future of telecommunications in Canada.

The speaker list is building up and we have already confirmed:

  • Martha Béjar, Corporate Vice President, Communications Sector, Microsoft
  • Pierre Blouin, CEO, MTS Allstream
  • Robert Dépatie, CEO, Videotron
  • Konrad von Finckenstein, Chair, CRTC
  • Mark Henderson, CEO, Ericsson Canada
  • Terry Matthews, Chair, Mitel
  • Michael Moskowitz, President Americas International, Palm
  • Sheridan Scott, Commissioner of Competition, Competition Bureau

The September 10 issue of Canadian Business magazine carried a description of the special session looking at the AWS spectrum consultation that we hosted on the last day of The 2007 Canadian Telecom Summit:

It’s the kind of firecracker debate attendees have come to expect of this annual conference — part schmooze-fest, part WWE SmackDown — that gives power brokers from the telecommunications industry a rare opportunity to grab face time with one another and exchange views.

The star “wrestlers” from last year’s regulatory and policy panel have also confirmed their attendance. You should also be planning to be there.

We have already begun to receive registrations. Book your place early.

The 2008 Canadian Telecom Summit. June 16-18, 2008.

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