Canadian competitiveness consultation

Yesterday, the Competition Policy Review Panel released its consultation paper. This consultation should be of interest to the Canadian telecom industry for at least two reasons. In part, the Bell Canada connection to the members of the panel is striking. Of the five members of the panel, three are current or past directors or employees of Bell, including panel chair, former BCE CEO and Chair Lynton (Red) Wilson.

In addition, the consultation paper identifies telecom and broadcasting as two of the six specific sectors for which specific investment regulations apply. The consultation paper asks for input on these:

Canada maintains specific regimes to govern, review or restrict investment in six sectors: telecommunications, cultural industries, broadcasting, transportation services, uranium production and financial services.

  1. What changes, if any, are required to Canada’s sectoral investment regimes to minimize or eliminate negative impacts on Canada’s competitiveness?
  2. What have been the impacts of these investment regimes on productivity and competitiveness in the specific sectors?

  • Are there alternative mechanisms that would achieve the non-economic policy objectives of the sector while also ensuring maximum competitiveness of firms operating in the sector?
  • Inputs are due to be submitted by January 11, 2008.

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