Primus blocked my email messages

PrimusThe headline should have grabbed your attention.

But this blog posting is to thank Primus for blocking more than 17,000 spam messages that attacked my email account this evening between 6:00 pm and 11:00. The attack is still on, but it seems to be slowing.

More than 2000 messages leaked through anyway.

Sometimes we want carriers to intervene, other times we don’t.

For example, a talk radio station in Calgary asked me to comment on the case of a mobile carrier that billed a user for $85,000 in excess web usage. The user wants to know why he wasn’t warned that his charges were running up.

Contrast that with another case. Earlier in the week, some bloggers launched into an attack against Rogers for doing just that – warning a user that they were approaching the limit of their flat rate service.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Primus – thank you for intervening on my email spam attack.

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