Sourcing strategically

Canadian Telecom SummitCanadian companies have come under increasing pressure to lower their cost structure.

On top of having to keep up with productivity improvements among our trading partners, Canadian firms have to deal with the dramatic strengthening of the dollar – which lowers the cost of imports and challenges the pricing of our exports.

Some Canadian telecom carriers have moved some jobs off-shore and are now wholesaling their experience in successfully delivering services using a global workforce. How do firms preserve their unique character in a strategic sourcing arrangement? What parts of the firm can be sourced off-shore? How does global sourcing impact reliability and other quality metrics?

We’re going to be looking at strategic sourcing in a session on Monday June 16 at The Canadian Telecom Summit. In addition, CP Gurnani, the international operations president of Tech Mahindra, a leading global outsourcing firm that focuses on the telecom space, will be participating in a session with the CIO of BT Wholesale to end the day on June 17. Their session will look at how British Telecom has restructured to compete domestically and globally.

Early bird rates end in two weeks on March 1. Book your place now!

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