Ottawa to stage a big week for telecom

CanadaIn the classes I teach at University of Toronto, I try to impart to the engineering students an appreciation of the level of influence played by government policy and regulation. This week, Ottawa again becomes a focal point for the telecom industry in Canada

Later today, anxious wireless service providers in waiting will engage couriers to try to anonymously deliver packages to the 15th floor of 300 Slater Street. Those packages will have the application forms and irrevocable letters of credit for authorization to bid in the upcoming Advanced Wireless Services auction. We should have the list of applicants by Friday, although the list will not include a statement of whether or not Industry Canada has approved the companies’ ownership structures.

I will be watching to see if Montreal-based artist Matthew Biederman submits an application, possibly under the name “The Office of Spectral Ecology.” A news story discusses his “poetic” aspirations for an “open and free” public space. He hopes various arts councils will back him financially. I would love to hear your comments on this proposal.

And in other news, across the river, CRTC hearings resume tomorrow in the matter of Bell’s change in ownership. Following the dismissal of the bondholders’ suit, CRTC approval is a final gate to pass through in order to move to closing. The key open issue remaining for the CRTC to examine is confirmation that pension fund rules will permit Teachers’ planned special voting structure through a trustee; Ontario pension rules limit direct ownership to 30%.

These are some previews of coming attractions. I’ll try to provide more as it happens, complete with commentary. Just like you see on those Buffalo TV stations: Fire in Tonawanda, film at 11. Stay tuned to this channel.

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