Sasktel shares its perspectives

SasktelSasktel CEO Robert Watson was in Toronto yesterday with members of his team, providing a number of analysts with an update on the activities of the largest crown-owned ILEC in Canada.

It is somewhat notable in that Sasktel provides these outreach sessions, despite the lack of disclosure requirements imposed by the equity markets.

Much of the information was of the nature of helpful background and setting a context for our future analysis.

A few factoids stood out.

  • High speed now available to 86% of the population.
  • All communities with at least 200 people and many with more than 100 people have either DSL or wireless internet service.

Think about what these mean taken together: 14% of Saskatchewan’s population must be in these extremely small communities of less than 200 people.

Sasktel continues to be a world leader in IPTV, deploying technology in 9 Saskatchewan communities allowing 2 HDTV sets in a household. Sasktel has its Max TV service in more than a quarter of the homes it passes.

On June 12, Sasktel will celebrate 100 years of operation in the province. Ahead by a century.

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