A step ahead

Rogers has announced it has hired SamKnows to verify broadband speeds being delivered to its customers.

It strikes me as a smart preemptive strategy, not only aiding in its customer facing marketing, but also serving Rogers well in dealing with a regulator that is proclaiming an increased consumer focus. Indeed, the CRTC’s 3-year plan includes an intent to monitor upload and download speeds. What better approach than for Rogers to engage with the same third party that has done work with other regulators, including the FCC and Ofcom.

In August, Rogers announced that it was working with PwC towards SysTrust Certification of its Internet Data Meter Systems, providing increased confidence in its usage based billing.

As the broadband internet market matures to approach universal adoption, such confidence building measures can be expected to be used in marketing its services. How confident are you that you are getting what you pay for?

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