Looking into the future of communications

>We have received word that Professor David Johnston, president of University of Waterloo, has confirmed that he will join the cadre of distinguished keynote speakers at The 2008 Canadian Telecom Summit.

Besides having served on many provincial and federal task forces, he chaired the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, the Federal Government’s Information Highway Advisory Council and its Blue Ribbon Panel on Smart Communities. More recently, he chaired the National Task Force on High Speed Broadband Access and the Broadband National Selection Committee.

Among other things, he will be speaking about a couple projects underway at Waterloo that are enabling a peek into the future of information and communications technology and services. The University has launched a Media and Mobility Network Project, to provide its students with access to the most advanced communications, media access, mobile computing and network services.

In September, the school will open its VeloCity dorm: a place where some of its most talented, creative and entrepreneurial students will be brought together under one roof to work on the future of communications, web and new media.

David Johnston will be speaking on Tuesday morning, June 17 at The 2008 Canadian Telecom Summit.

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