How high will it go?

CanadaMany analysts had thought the current AWS spectrum auction would generate bids of about $1.5B. As the week draws to a close, the federal treasury has already raised more than $3B. It seems that we are heading towards a windfall of about $1.5B – $2B more than just about anyone in Canada’s Department of Finance could have reasonably expected.

I find it interesting to look at where people are bidding and which spectrum blocks within certain geographies. While the situation may change by the time you look at it, one company has bid a third more – $80M for one of the 20 MHz block than another company bid for the same geography (Toronto), same size block.

Lots of folks have looked at what it means for service providers spending more on spectrum than they might have originally hoped.

I’m interested in hearing what the government plans to do with the extra money besides the standard line that it is paying down the debt.

I have some ideas. What are yours?

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