Business consumers

Last Friday, the CRTC affirmed that businesses are consumers too. In Telecom Decision 2011-341, the CRTC told PIAC that it was indeed appropriate for the the Canadian Federation of Independent Business to be part of the selection process for consumer group appointed directors for the Board of Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc.

The Commission further notes that the CFIB is independent of the telecommunications industry and represents a subset of consumers of telecommunications services, i.e., small business consumers, whose complaints fall within the CCTS’s mandate. The CCTS has included eleven other groups in its nomination process whose primary function is to represent individual consumers.

One of 12 voices has been given to small business interests? The proper question may be to ask why that segment is so under represented?

Maybe that is a question to ask during the Regulatory Blockbuster, an annual feature of The Canadian Telecom Summit, taking place next week in Toronto. Are you registered yet?

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