The state of traffic

Sandvine CEO Dave Caputo always delivers a great presentation at The Canadian Telecom Summit. This year, he is participating on the Wireless Broadband panel on the afternoon of May 31.

Sandvine has just released the Spring 2011 edition of its Global Internet Phenomena Report, which you should download [free following registration on their site]. The report is based on internet traffic statistics collected from a voluntary representative cross-section of Sandvine’s customer base. Sandvine serves more than 220 Internet providers with hundreds of millions of subscribers in more than 85 countries.

Among the highlights from the report this edition:

  • Real-Time Entertainment in North America represents almost half of peak period fixed access traffic. At this rate of growth, it will make up 55-60% of traffic by the end of the year.
  • P2P filesharing had a trivial drop in share, shifting from 19.2% of peak period traffic in Fall 2010 to 18.8% in Spring 2011.

Sandvine described these two statistics as seemingly contradictory: P2P Filesharing is here to stay, despite the growth of real-time entertainment.

We will be looking forward to hearing more when Dave addresses The Canadian Telecom Summit in less than two weeks. Have you registered yet?

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