Counting down to the DNCL launch

CRTCCountdown to the Do Not Call List. Two months to go.

Last December, the CRTC began the 9 month gestation for Canada’s DNCL registry and yesterday, it issued it’s first teaser press release, reminding Canadians that they will be able to register to have their names removed from telemarketing call lists.

Except for a bunch of exceptions:

  • Registered charities
  • Newspapers
  • Political parties (after all, politicians created this legislation!)
  • Companies with which you have a relationship

There are other exempt calls allowed in the legislation that were not detailed in the press release.

For example, calls made on behalf of public opinion firms. That may explain why I have been getting calls recently from companies asking my opinion about carpet and duct cleaning; or wanting to know my views on Florida time-shares.

If you follow this blog, you know what I think the of the legislation. Fortunately, there is supposed to be a review of the “administration and operation” of the DNCL.

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